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Showing posts with label Node Manager. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Node Manager. Show all posts

Configure, Start & Stop Node Manager : Step by Step

Friday, July 26, 2013

To configure Node Manager -

Log in to weblogic Admin Console

Click on Environments -> Machines tab on left hand side

Click on new tab on right hand side
Enter name of machine and select Machine OS as unix if you are on unix machine otherwise default, click ok

Noe click on created machine

Select type plain, enter listen address and port 

To check status :-

Start node manager, click on  machine name, click on Monitoring -> Node Manager Status

click on node manager tab, Status should be Reachable.

How to start Node Manager ?

$WL_HOME\server\bin\  (startNodeManager.cmd on Windows)
$WL_HOME\server\bin  called NM_HOME, For Example - D:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\server\bin

To Stop Node Manager 

In Unix/Linux, kill the process - 

kill -9 `ps -ef | grep -i nodemanager.javahome | grep -v grep | awk {'print $2'} | head -1`

On window machine, close the window on which Node Manager started.

Node Manager Log Files


Important configuration file for node manager 

$WL_HOME/common/nodemanager/ used by java based node manager. This file is created on first time start of nodemanager (

$WL_HOME/common/nodemanager/ - contains mappings between the names of domains managed by Node Manager and their corresponding directories.
entry like

$WL_HOME/common/nodemanager/ This file stores the encryption data the Node Manager uses as asymmetric encryption key. This file is created on first time start of nodemanager (

$DOMAIN_HOME/config/nodemanager/ This file stores the Node Manager username and password used by Admin Server to connect to Node Manager.

Few other configuration files are,,server_name.addr, server_name.lck,, server_name.state

Start Stop Node Manager and Important Considerations

Weblogic Server Basic Components

Below are the basic components of weblogic server


Domain is a group of weblogic server resources like admin server, managed server, jms, connection pool, data sources etc or whatever the resource you know of weblogic server since domain is the basic unit you have to create after installation and everything created and configured under a domain. 

It can be possible to create multiple domains from a single installation and each domain has it's own resources but this is recommended only on development environment where you may want to test different applications or different customer applications on different domain. All domains are independent of each other. 

Admin Server & Admin Console

Admin server is a central unit which is used to configure and monitor a domain resources. it provides a browser or GUI based console called admin console for configuration and monitoring of the domain resources. 

Admin server is also a server instance which have all the capabilities just like we have on managed servers ( see next post for managed server ) but since it's a central repository for the domain configuration so it's not recommended to used it as a managed server but you can use it as a managed server on non production environments for testing purpose.

Managed Server

A managed server is an instance of weblogic server which is used to host ( deploy in terms of weblogic ) your applications and associate other domain resources with that. For example you create and deploy jar, ear, ear etc files and deploy on managed servers and after that create connnection pools, data source and associated with your managed server to let your application connect and get connection from database.

When you start a managed server it connects to admin server to get configuration and other deployment settings.

A domain can have multiple managed servers ( no upper limit of managed servers, you can create as many as you want only considering your hardware configuration ). They all can be independent servers or can be grouped into cluster to get scalability, availability, maintainability etc ( see below for cluster ).


A machine is a logical representation of the physical machine (computer) that hosts one or more WebLogic Server instances. or in a simple word you can say Machine is a host on which your weblogic server is running. When you create and configure a machine you need to configure node manager and for that you need to define the host on which your node manager is running ( actual host or called machine ) as well as node manager port ( see below for node manager )

Node Manager

Node Manager is a Java utility or service which runs as a separate process from WebLogic Server and allows you to perform common operations tasks related with Managed Servers  
regardless of its location with respect to its Administration Server. 

Use of Node Manager is optional but it provides valuable benefits if your WebLogic Server environment hosts applications with high 

Node manager is used to start or stop remote managed servers, remote managed servers means the servers distributed or configured on different machines or host, like In case of production where we ran multiple managed servers across different hosts in a single domain to get high availability, in that case all servers are distributed across multiple hosts however control via single admin console. make sure you have node manager running on each host and a machine configured via admin console for each host and respective managed server(s) associated with respective machine.

It provides the capability to auto health checking of managed servers and restart it automatically in case any server goes down.

Note :- Node manager is a independent java based utility which has not any dependency on weblogic or vice versa, so in case your node manager goes down there is no impact on your weblogic server running instances.


Cluster is a group of manager servers work together to achieve high availability, scalability and for lots of other benefits. It appears to client as a single instance. All clustered servers can be on same or distributed across difference machines ( but in same cluster and domain ).   

Use of cluster provides the benefits of scalability, maintainability, high availability, load balancing, failover capabilities etc.

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