- Navigate to <AIA_INSTANCE>/AIAMetaData/config folder and edit the AIAConfigurationProeprties.xml file to modify the following property
- Navigate to <AIA_INSTANCE>/config folder and open the AIAInstallProperties.xml file. Add the following information under the "/properties/fp/server/jndi-url" tag.
- Start the new Node. When you start the new node, you notice errors pertaining to Foundation Pack in the server logs. Ignore them for now.
- Navigate to <AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/<instance name>/bin and source aiaenv.sh/bat.
- Navigate to <AIA_HOME>/Infrastructure/Install/AID and execute the following command.
<Property name="EH.JNDIURL">t3://<existing list of soa server details>,<newsoa server host>:<newsoa server port></Property>
<jndiurl>t3://<existing list of soa server details>,<newsoa server host>:<newsoa server port></jndiurl>
ant -f AIAInstallDriver.xml -DDeploymentPlan=<AIA_HOME>/Infrastructure/Install/config/FPAddNodeToClusterDP.xml -DPropertiesFile=<AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/<instance name>/config/AIAInstallProperties.xml