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Start Stop Weblogic Server(s)

Friday, July 26, 2013

You can start/stop Admin Server using - 

[A]  Script
[B]  "java weblogic.server" command
       [ The weblogic.Server class is the main class for a WebLogic Server instance ]
[C]  From startup option on windows
[D]  WLST with or without node manager

You can start managed server(s) using - 

[A]  scripts
[B]  admin console
[C]  using WLST
[D]  using node manager
[E]  java weblogic.server command
       [ The weblogic.Server class is the main class for a WebLogic Server instance ]


Script To Start Admin Server
startWebLogic.cmd or .sh

Script to start Managed Server or .cmd
To Start WebLogic Administration Server

Go to domain your domain directory

cd $ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/<your_domain_name>/bin

On Window run below script

On unix/Linux, run below script
$ ./

Once server start successfully, you will see below message in the server log file
" <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360> <Server started in RUNNING mode>"

Note : - Admin server log file you will find under DOMAIN/servers/<Admin_Server_Name>/logs with name as  your_admin_server_name.log as well as your_admin_server_name.out if you are starting using node manager.

To start Managed Server

Go to  YOUR_DOMAIN/bin

On windows -
startManagedWebLogic.cmd [ name_of_your_managed_server ]  [ admin_server_url ]

For example -

To start managed server with name ManSer1 where admin server running on localhost on port 7001
startManagedWebLogic.cmd ManSer1 http://localhost:7001

Note :- 

If you want to start and stop managed servers from admin console then make sure to use node manager otherwise you will get an error message that there is no associated machine with the managed server like below.

The server JJTU_Server-1 does not have a machine associated with it.

In this case make sure to create a machine associated with an running active node manager and then assign server to that node manager.

START USING weblogic.server command

To start admin server

First got to your domain/bin and run, then run below commands

$ java -Dweblogic.Name=<Admin_Server_Name> -Dweblogic.ConfigFile=config.xml -Dweblogic.RootDirectory=<Path_Of_Your_Domain_Directory>  weblogic.Server

Example - 

java -Dweblogic.Name=JJTU_AdminServer -Dweblogic.ConfigFile=C:\Oracle\Middleware2\user_projects\domains\JJTU_Domain1\config\config.xml -Dweblogic.RootDirectory=C:\Oracle\Middleware2\user_projects\domains\JJTU_Domain1  weblogic.Server

To start Managed Server

First got to your domain/bin and run, then run below commands

java -Dweblogic.Name=YOUR_MANAGED_SERVER_NAME<HOSTNAME_WHERE_ADMIN_RUNNING>:<ADMIN_SERVER_PORT> -Dweblogic.RootDirectory=<Path_Of_Your_Domain_Directory> weblogic.Server

Example - 

java -Dweblogic.Name=ManSer1 -Dweblogic.RootDirectory=C:\Oracle\Middleware2\user_projects\domains\JJTU_Domain1 weblogic.Server

where my admin server running on localhost on port 7001 and managed server name is ManSer1 and  C:\Oracle\Middleware2\user_projects\domains\JJTU_Domain1 is my domain directory

To Start/Stop Using WLST

Note - Make sure to modify host, port, path, server names according to your environment on below mentioned commands

Go to your domain/bin directory

run setDomainEnv.[cmd][sh]

Go to WLST prompt

java weblogic.WLST

start node manager using WLST ( if not running there otherwise skip to next step  )


Connect With Node Manager


Start Admin Server


To Start Managed Server

connect with admin server


Start Managed Server


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